
Royalty-Free Stock Video at Pond5
loose standards, they will accept pretty much anything you give them, they
give you the highest royalty % and you can set your price at whatever
you want. I sell all my HD clips at $55.

Clipcanvas Stock Footage - HD Video Clip Downloads
Clipcanvas pays high royalty rates, you can control the price of your clips. They have a very edgy look, and I generate a good amount of revenue from ClipCanvas on a regular basis. They were my 3rd highest grossing stock footage site on average in 2011 out of the 9 outlets I contribute to. I highly recommend them. They won't really compete with some of your other sites because they are based out of Europe. They even pay in Euros! <-- Paypal will convert these for you if you wish, it's pretty simple.

Revostock has mid-level quality standards, they reject my clips once in a while.
They pay a pretty good % and just recently they allowed you to change
your pricing, they used to be priced a little low. Now I sell clips at

Shutterstock doesn't pay as high of a royalty % but the do have consistent sales.
I worry about their pricing, their clips are pretty inexpensive and
don't like the idea of driving down prices. They're fairly strict on
their quality standards. has strickt quality standards, low royalty %, but they are the best in breed