Friday, December 28, 2012


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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

10 Shots you Must have

For more information on shooting/selling stock footage check out my other posts:

In general, shooting stock footage has no rules, you can shoot what you want, when you want, how you want and make a good stream of passive income to help supplement your day-job earnings. However, there are some topics/shots that a stock footage portfolio is incomplete without. There are probably many more important shots, but here is my list of 10 shots. My hope is that this list will get you thinking about the variety in your portfolio. If you would like to view my example, click on the thumbnails to see my clip. Without further delay, here's the list.

Real dust particles flicker slow
Real dust particles flicker slow
1) - Unique Moving Background - a good motion background has big demand. There are tons out there so be unique.

Carnival Slide POV
2) - Something Rare - There is a great stock footage shot that only you can get because of your proximity, knowledge or access. Less competition is good.

skyscraper tower over fisheye
Skyscraper tower over fisheye
3) - Business Related - One of the top uses for stock is business presentation or corporate vids. Topic is saturated, but shoot something anyways. Good demand.

Candle Seamless Loop
Candle Seamless Loop
4) - Health and Wellness Related - Another top... topic. Easy setups, good stills out there to emulate.

Los Angeles Night Traffic
Los Angeles Night Traffic
5) - Your nearest major city - Make a day of shooting your "downtown." Lots to shoot. Think establishing shots, tourism, corporate, businessmen, night life, urban jungle.

Analog TV Screens
Analog TV Screens
6) - Set up a scene at home - utilize lights, props, furniture, pets, heirlooms, antiques. You don't need a sound stage to set up a worthy scene. Just a little free time/creativity.

Motocross Jump
Motocross Jump
7) - Something you know really well - You are an expert at something. Shoot that in an authentic way. It will give your shot an advantage over posers who have less informed shots of your job/sport/hobby.

Toddler watermelon laugh
Toddler watermelon laugh
8) - A friend or family member emoting - People are hot. People showing emotions even hotter. If you can't hire an actor/sound stage then shoot someone you know. Usually they'll do it for free and sign the waivers.

Spooky Halloween Jack O Lantern
Spooky Halloween Jack O Lantern
9) - A seasonal/occasion shot - Valentines Day, Birthday, Wedding, etc. - Tons of possibility here, the time for sales is narrow, but high volume.

unroll toilet paper frantic
unroll toilet paper frantic
10) - Something just for fun - shoot a wacky, off the wall subject really well, even if you think no one would buy it. You will have fun and I have been amazed what shots sell.

Whether you're starting out, or you're a seasoned vet, hopefully this list of "Must Have" shots will spur some fresh ideas that will help you improve your portfolio, and increase your ability to create passive income.
Happy Shooting, HDCineman